Monday 5 May 2014

2 Poems by Heidi Morrell

Acknowledging Demons

A siren howls in the cellar of my soul,
like harsh winds blowing through
a clutch of ragged trees.
What purpose have I now,
what fear comes
at silent early morning
when all is still dark?

You offer cliff faces
to hold onto while asking me
to dance a minuet of faith.
All along, we gamble
from crisis to oasis,
perhaps fate is supposed to be

Meanwhile, with the sun rising,
there will be rest.

Tardy Rains

The long awaited rain
fell in our canyon,
proceeding as gently as
tree pollen on a breeze.
It was here,
two brittle dry cold weeks before
kicking around a found tennis ball,
jackets flailing,
that I saw your eyes again.

Fragrance rises from the damp sage,
a melody, at once familiar and astonishing,
surrounding the face and skin.
Tree bark sponges the sky’s
aqueous fabric,
takes it and deepens itself into
a palette of darker browns,
to compose secret hieroglyphics.

I watch the gathering water
tug at pine needles and
lost maple leaves,
softening and
pushing them toward decay
as surely as the new grass
will push up its green fur,
and the green poinsettia leaf
will flutter timidly
beneath the ornament of her red sister.

And when you and the rain finally go,
traces of dampness
left in the cracks of cement
will lie there like bones.


Heidi's poetry has been published in:

-Unaureon -2 poems (broad sheet),
-Cat's magazine
-Emerge Literary Journal
-St. James Newsletter
-Outside In Literary & Travel Magazine
-Anthology - Poised in Flight Kind of a Hurricane Press
-Big River Review

Heidi also writes a bi-weekly column for -

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